membahas tentang salah ucap ketika berbicara...
ini nih..
"In the early 1900s, Sigmund Freud developed the psychodynamic view of human behavior. This model relies on the premise that human behavior is brought about by inner forces over which the individual has little control. Dreams and slips of the tongue are clues to what the individual is really thinking. We may have one point in our lives been caught speaking a Freudian slip, or slip of the tongue. For example we may have intentions of saying to a member of the opposite sex: “I believe we have not been properly introduced yet.” Instead, we might accidentally say: “I believe that we have not been properly seduced yet.” According to Freud such events are not just random slip ups. Rather, such slips of the tongue may be an indication of deeply felt emotions and thoughts that reside in the unconscious, a part of the personality of which a person is not aware. The unconscious is the safe haven for our recollection of painful events and also it is where we store our instinctual drives. It is in this part of the personality that infantile desires and demands are hidden from the conscious of one’s personality because they would conflict with a person’s day to day livin"
if slip of the tongue was in the same line with dream. Then we should conclude it as the momentum when the deepest part(maybe the homonculus if i could consider) of us arouse because some stimuli and broke the defensive conscious state. Especially when our focus altered.
The difference is the range of the time that the momentum arisen.
The problem now is,compared with dream,slip of the tongue,when it's been done,make the one improving/increasing his defensive state......
The difference is the range of the time that the momentum arisen.
The problem now is,compared with dream,slip of the tongue,when it's been done,make the one improving/increasing his defensive state......
read ur books dear....
thats wht books r for ;)
ndak usah diliat dari buku,dari kenyataan aj da terliat....
Banyak yang selip omongan,langsung muncul DM nya...yang paling sering ya...bohong(ga tau istilah DM buat bohong)..
Banyak yang selip omongan,langsung muncul DM nya...yang paling sering ya...bohong(ga tau istilah DM buat bohong)..
banyak ko...
bisa jadi DM nya bentuk denial, rasionalisasi dan lain lain
*ssstt...di S2 ini kk makin sering liat ^.^*
bisa jadi DM nya bentuk denial, rasionalisasi dan lain lain
*ssstt...di S2 ini kk makin sering liat ^.^*
hah?banyak?slip of the tongue?
Apa pd stress smua,banyak kali yg direpresskah?
Kalo gni bener2 dah...
Yang psikologi bnr2 kna smw hal yang cenderung psikologis -abnormal-.
Apa pd stress smua,banyak kali yg direpresskah?
Kalo gni bener2 dah...
Yang psikologi bnr2 kna smw hal yang cenderung psikologis -abnormal-.
klo mau ngeliat dr sisi "patologis atau abnormal" yah pasti itu lah yg bakal keliatan....
tapi kata si Om Freud semua perlu di "Artikan" dengan cara dia...
...Freud reminds sometimes "a cigarette is a cigarette"
salah ucap ya cuma salah ucap doank *terkadang*
klo mau ngeliat dr sisi "patologis atau abnormal" yah pasti itu lah yg bakal keliatan....
tapi kata si Om Freud semua perlu di "Artikan" dengan cara dia...
...Freud reminds sometimes "a cigarette is a cigarette"
salah ucap ya cuma salah ucap doank *terkadang*
masalahnya kak...
Jadi sugesti..=p
mw salah ucap itu krn alasan uncle freud atau gak..tetep aj salah ucapnya disembunyikan..hoho......
Ada yg salah ucapnya sampe lidahnya kegigit?
Jadi sugesti..=p
mw salah ucap itu krn alasan uncle freud atau gak..tetep aj salah ucapnya disembunyikan..hoho......
Ada yg salah ucapnya sampe lidahnya kegigit?
nah itu yg susah ko...
itu balik lg ke "kejujuran"
klo org yg emang "sehat" pasti nothing to hide kan? jujur...otomatis
itu balik lg ke "kejujuran"
klo org yg emang "sehat" pasti nothing to hide kan? jujur...otomatis
gak ah kak,
semua irang pasti ad hal yang direpress,kadar jumlahnya beda, kadar daya tahan spy yang disimpannya ga keluar jg beda.......
Kalo dia biasanya baik,
menyimpan hal yang ga enak itu bikin eneg.pasti bkal langsung keluar...kalo ditahan trus. Ya jadina SOTT...
semua irang pasti ad hal yang direpress,kadar jumlahnya beda, kadar daya tahan spy yang disimpannya ga keluar jg beda.......
Kalo dia biasanya baik,
menyimpan hal yang ga enak itu bikin eneg.pasti bkal langsung keluar...kalo ditahan trus. Ya jadina SOTT...
huakakakak.....tul tul
so jika sering-sering salah ucap...diharapkan untuk memeriksa keadaan mental segera...
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